Hello people!!
Didnt blog for the past one to two weeks due to busy enjoying my "holiday" and also busy with camps, girlfriends and friends etc... Finally after a long 3 and half month of MC, I am going to return back to my camp for good, no more MC extension for my ankle already and this sound super bad!
These 3mth plus of "holidays" should be the highlight for me for this year I think? Beside recovery for my operated ankle, I manage to do a few camps, crash alot of campfire and even got myself a new girlfriend! I am really glad that I choose the operation date at a very suitable period, if not there won't be so many things that happen in my life for the past few months!
At this moment, the thought of going back to camp really very turn me off, considering the past few months I been leading a life of a normal guy and getting paid at the same time! Now have to go back to camp and back to my stupid mon-fri in camp and only out during the weekends... ZZzZz
I miss doing camps, SAC camp and Coral Sec was good, it give me the feeling and enjoyment that I get when I am actively doing camp last year before I enter NS. Considering I had stop doing a proper camp for like near a year? I was kinda surprised I still can keep my level of highness and enthusiaism when I am doing Coral Sec camp and SAC camp... *give ah huat a pat on the back, a job well done* haha..
Lastly, even thou today I gotta get my stuff prepared as its been sometime since I last book in, so I am quite afraid that I didnt bring important things back to camp. I spent my "last day" today with my girl, although never do anything much, just a normal lunch and a short stayover at my house for awhile before we head to wdl checkpoint Sheng Siong and then sent her home.
Dear: The past two weeks doesnt seems to be a very happy period for you due to too many differences between us I guess? Hope when I go back to camp, all the problems will go away slowly and you will be much happier then before.